It is important to explain some key expressions for easy flow of the discuss, such as :

  1. Definition and explanation of the topic.
  2. Relevance of drug in the society &workplace.
  3. Relevant statistics/pattern of use in the society
  4. Way forward.


  1. Definition and explanation of the topic.

Depending on the number of symptoms identified, substance use disorder may vary from moderate to severe.

Relevance of drug in the society & workplace.

In almost every part of the world some drugs or others are used

In considering the consequences of drug use, it is helpful to differentiate between

Among other crucial consideration are:

Drugs regarded as hazardous and illegal in one culture or time in history have been condoned or even promoted in another.


However, considering the decadence of drug abused in the society, the Government adopted a pragmatic approach to solve the problem with a survey that provides the baseline needs for the design and implementation of effective prevention, treatment and care services

In addition to the above implementation the aim of the survey also included

  1. The target to reduce the demand for drugs.
  2. To prevent the morbidity and mortality attributable to drug use in Nigeria.

The results of this survey highlighted a considerable level of past-year use of psychoactive substances in Nigeria, in particular the use of


Most of the high-risk drug users considered it was difficult to access drug treatment. The cost of treatment and stigma attached to drug use and seeking treatment were cited as the primary barriers in accessing or availing drug treatment services.

Nearly one quarter of high-risk drug users had been arrested for a drug-related offence such as:


It is pertinent to address the issue of drugs among younger age group, though the target audience is working class, it is the age bracket to which our children fall that are more susceptible to drug abuse issues.

Prevention of drug use aims to help people, not only those of younger age, to avoid or delay the initiation of use of psychoactive substances, or, if they have already started, to avert the development of harmful use and substance use disorders.

Another area of focus are garages and road side sales of different liquor in the guise of native/herbal preparations for various ailment, there is hardly any condition they don’t have their preparation for. Both sellers and buyers capitalize on the ignorance of one another, the buyer fell a victim of the claim of knowledge of various herbs and their purpose by the seller.

Alcohol related problems

For Alcohol related problem prevention should be better than cure.

Control relies on three strategies

  1. Control of availability
  2. Education about sensible use
  3. Providing alternative pursuit
  4. Control of availability/prohibition

The best control is prohibition but prohibition has its shortcomings such as:

To control availability the following will be considered;

  1. Education about sensible use

Should take into consideration;

Target group include

Education in school in school is not enough, should start from home.

Some of them know about alcohol from age six onward and their attitude towards drinking changed markedly between 11 and 14 due to peer group and influence.

  1. Providing alternative pursuit

Promotion of low alcohol beers and wine has proved helpful, other leisure pursuit are encouraged and other non-alcoholic beverages are encourage


Aims to prevent the further progression of a condition.